Thursday, December 19, 2013

DSLR Worthy?

Some people believe DSLR cameras are not worthy to be considered professional cameras and yet every serious production house has these inexpensive work horse cameras. Naturally some professionals will say they're not worthy to shoot video on because they have invested much more in what is probably a superior camera. With that said I've seen superior cameras produce some inferior results and vice versa. It always depends on the user.
For example here is one of the very first DSLR short films made.
Now tell me was the quality is not worthy to be considered professional.
Exactly, the hands and eye behind the camera makes the shot.
Now you might know some technical terms and be thinking that RED cameras shoot in 4k and full frame DSLR sensors shoot in 2k and crop sensor DSLR are slightly less and blah, blah, blah.
I'm hear to tell you it doesn't matter! That's right. Deal with it.
1080p quality found on cropped sensor DSLRs is enough.
Don't believe me? Are you thinking well, What if you used a full frame DSLR or God forbid a cropped sensor DSLR for an independent film? Well then it would have to go straight to DVD because it couldn't possibly be shown on the big screen, right? Wrong! Oh still don't believe me. Let me name some movies that have been shown on the big screen and used DSLRs and some are a little bigger budget than independent films too.
Here's the list:
Captain of America
Iron Man 2
Black Swan
Like Crazy
Red Tails
Red State
127 Hours
Act of Valor
The Pirates! Band of Misfits
and the list keeps on growing. Oh and did I mention that most of these even used a cropped sensor DSLR for some shots as well. I received this list from here.
Now stop being stuck up and ill informed about DSLR filmmaking. You know better now. How do I know you know better? Because I just told you. But seriously if you have a quality DSLR, quality lens, and lighting, then you can produce amazing shots with the right knowledge and eye for it. So keep shooting my friends. Don't let the big price tags slow you down.